How to Grow Manufacturing and Create Jobs in a Digital Economy: 10 Policy Priorities for Kenya
Karishma Banga and Dirk Willem te Velde, November 2018
Using Data to Assess the Contribution of DFIs to Economic Transformation
Alberto F. Lemma, October 2018
Skills Development Funds: Lessons from Asia
Aarti Krishnan and Stephen Gelb, September 2018
Kenya-UK Trade and Investment Relations: Taking Stock and Promoting Exports to the UK
Aarti Krishnan, Dirk Willem te Velde and Anzetse Were, July 2018
Kick-Starting Economic Transformation in Rwanda: Four Policy Lessons and their Implications
David Booth, Linda Calabrese and Frederick Golooba-Mutebi, June 2018
Using Data to Understand Economic Transformation in Fragile Contexts
Alastair McKechnie, Andrew Lightner and Dirk Willem te Velde, June 2018
Economic Development in Fragile Contexts: Learning from Success and Failure
Alastair McKechnie, Dirk Willem te Velde and Andrew Lightner, May 2018
Digitalisation and the Future of Manufacturing in Africa
Karishma Banga and Dirk Willem te Velde, March 2018
Adjusting to Rising Costs in Chinese Light Manufacturing: What Opportunities for Developing Countries?
Jiajun Xu, Stephen Gelb, Jiewei Li and Zuoxiang Zhao, December 2017
Data Briefing
Using SET Data to Identify Economic Transformation Opportunities in Low-Income Countries
Dirk Willem te Velde, October 2017
Pathways to Prosperity and Inclusive Job Creation in Nepal
Giles Henley, Sonia Hoque, Alberto Lemma, Posh Raj Pandey and Dirk Willem
te Velde, October 2017
Economic Transformation and Job Creation in Mozambique
Neil Balchin, Peter Coughlin, Phyllis Papadavid, Dirk Willem te Velde and Kasper Vroljik, October 2017
Local Content Policies and Backward Integration in Nigeria
Neil McCulloch, Neil Balchin, Max Mendez-Parra and Kingsley Onyeka, October 2017
Tanzania’s Second Five-Year Development Plan (FYDP II)
Neil Balchin and Dirk Willem te Velde, August 2017
Rwanda: Coordinating Public and Private Action for Export Manufacturing
David Booth, Linda Calabrese and Frederick Golooba-Mutebi, July 2017
Foreign Direct Investment and Economic Transformation in Myanmar
Stephen Gelb and Linda Calabrese, June 2017
Financing Manufacturing in Rwanda
Linda Calabrese, Phyllis Papadavid and Judith Tyson, June 2017
Supporting Economic Transformation
Margaret McMillan, John Page, David Booth and Dirk Willem te Velde, March 2017