Event photographs available on SET Flickr
In June 2016, the Government of Tanzania (GoT) launched the country’s Second Five-Year Development Plan (FYDP II) 2016/17-2020/21 under the overarching theme of ‘Nurturing Industrialisation for Economic Transformation and Human Development’.
The GoT is currently developing an implementation strategy to guide the implementation of FYDP II. In order to be successful, the practical implementation of the Plan will need to be guided by an agreed set of implementation principles and be supported through effective involvement of the private sector. To support this process, and ensure private sector engagement and input into the strategic implementation of the FYDP II from the outset, the SET programme, in collaboration with the Economic and Social Research Foundation (ESRF) organised a private sector consultative workshop on 27 October 2016 in Dar es Salaam. The workshop sought to build consensus around how to approach implementation of the FYDP II and on the core elements that should constitute a strategy and framework to guide the effective implementation of the Plan. In addition, the workshop was designed to develop a shared understanding of the practical roles that different stakeholders – both in the public and private sectors – should play in implementing the FYDP II.
The Tanzanian Ministry of Finance and Planning and the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Investment attended as well as the Honourable Regional Commissioner of Simiyu, Mr. Antony Mtaka
The workshop was attended by a range of different private sector actors including representatives of umbrella organisations, industry associations, agencies and private companies. Some of these include:
- Tanzania Private Sector Foundation (TPSF)
- Tanzania Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture (TCCIA)
- Leather Association of Tanzania
- Moshi Leather Industries
- Heko Pharmacy and Keko Pharmaceuticals Industries
- Tanzania Revenue Authority (TRA), Tanzania Port Authority (TPA), Tanzania Bureau of Standards (TBS), Tanzania National Bureau of Statistics (NBS), Tanzania Industrial Research and Development Organisation (TIRD)
Other actors were also present at the workshop, including representatives from a number of Tanzania’s development partners (including DFID, the Delegation of the European Union (EU) to Tanzania, the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), the United States, Japanese and Swiss embassies, USAID and the World Bank), development banks (National Development Corporation, Tanzania Agricultural Development Bank, TIB Development Bank) and a range of research institutions and think tanks, non-governmental organisations, civil society organisations and academia.
Ministry of Finance and Planning Presentation
Tanzania Private Sector Foundation Presentation
Tanzania Chamber of Commerce, Industry, and Agriculture Presentation
SET-ODI Presentation
This event is part of ongoing SET support to the second Tanzanian Five-Year Development Plan.
A workshop was previously organised to support the drafting of the plan in October 2015.