With increasing use of advanced digital technologies in manufacturing, such as 3D printing, robots and cloud computing, the landscape of technology and globalisation patterns is altering. As manufacturing becomes more automated, the criteria of being an attractive production location changes from offering inexpensive labour to lower capital costs and more advanced technology. This suggests that the economic progress in developing countries, who often rely on their comparative advantage in labour-intensive manufacturing, may be at risk.
To discuss how developing countries can adapt to the changing nature of globalisation, this World Bank, DFID, ODI/SET event will hear from Anabel González, Senior Director and Mary Hallward-Driemeier, Senior Economic Advisor in the Trade and Competitiveness Global Practice at the World Bank. The World Bank’s recent report, ‘Trouble in the Making? The Future of Manufacturing-Led Development’ suggests that while emerging technologies may threaten manufacturing as a pathway for low-income countries to develop, it can also present new opportunities given appropriate policy actions. The report explores policy agenda based on three dimensions; competitiveness, capabilities and connectedness.
For further information or to express your interest in attending this event, please contact Karishma Banga at ODI (k.banga@odi.org.uk).
His Excellency Dr Hailemichael Aberra Afework – Ethiopian Ambassador to the UK
Dirk Willem te Velde – Principal Research Fellow, ODI and Director, SET
Anabel González – Senior Director, Trade and Competitiveness Global Practice at World Bank
Mary Hallward-Driemeier – Senior Economic Advisor, Trade and Competitiveness at World Bank
Nick Lea – Deputy Chief Economist, DFID
Karishma Banga – Researcher, ODI
Simon Maxwell – Senior Associate and former Director, ODI
Jonathan Rosenthal – Africa editor, The Economist
Photo credit: © Dominic Chavez/World Bank. License: CC BY-NC-ND 2.0.