Thursday 16 May 2019
Radisson Blu Hotel, Nairobi
On 16 May 2019, the SET programme, in partnership with the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Cooperatives, Government of Kenya, Msingi East Africa and Invest in Africa held the ‘Growing an Inclusive Economy’ event to launch the SET report ‘Integrating Kenya’s micro and small firms into leather, textiles and garments value chains: Creating jobs under Kenya’s Big Four agenda.’
The event brought together government, MSMEs, the private sector and industry experts to discuss the critical role Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) play in the Kenyan economy and ways to better integrate them into the Kenyan Government’s Big Four Agenda. Key recommendations from the report were discussed including that the Kenyan Government should restructure MSME institutional support structures, introduce dedicated MSME incubator programmes and involve county governments in MSME support.
The report and event built on SET consultations, held on 18 July 2018 in partnership Kenya’s Executive Office of the Presidency, to discuss the role of MSMEs in the ‘Big Four’ agenda with government, manufacturing firms, funders and industry.
The Hon. Peter Munya, MGH, Cabinet Secretary, Ministry of Industry, Trade and Cooperatives, officially launched the report, praising it, and outlining steps the Government of Kenya is already taking to implement its recommendations, including through regular coordination meetings between county and national government representatives.
Media Coverage
‘Ministry wants lower tax rates for small companies’ Business Daily, 20 May
‘Susie Kitchens attends launch of MSME Report’ Brits in Kenya, 17 May
‘Growing an Inclusive Economy; Creating Linkages for MSMEs Within the Big Four Agenda’ Kenya Private Sector Alliance
Photo Credit: Msingi East Africa. All Rights Reserved. The Hon. Peter Munya, MGH, Cabinet Secretary, Ministry of Industry, Trade and Cooperatives, officially launches the SET report.